Mary Bishop

Cradle Mountain / Overland Track    March 2024

Walk review from Mary Bishop, Cradle Mountain / Overland Track

Will I book with this company again - I definitely hope to.


I feel that the 6-day Overland Track Signature tour is likely worth a 10 rating, however, due to a couple of unfortunate incidents, one that has since been addressed & one that involved my friend being injured (by no fault of the company) I have had to put 8/10.

We were unable to complete the track due to my friend's injury. I can say that from July, the company have made this a 7-day tour. This will be an excellent improvement, for the participants, the guides & the confidence of hikers to feel fully prepared & aware of what lies ahead, safety, guidelines, meeting the group & having suitable gear. I applaud the company for this change. Our guides Dana & Clancy were fabulous & under trying conditions excelled in their management of the situation. Do not estimate the demands on the guides, but still, they manage to interact, feed you, clean up after you, impart valuable information & history to you and importantly, befriend you.

We only got to stay in the first cabin, but if that was any indication of what would follow, we give it the thumbs up.

I would strongly recommend that you personally get in touch with the Tas Walking company to book, however, if you book online, get in touch with the company & ask what the composition of your group looks like.

As for the care taken by the guides & company to get my friend & me back to base, with her injury - we applaud them. It was gruelling due to the injury & time it took, but Dana & Rod did an amazing job & Garry from the Operations team was keeping a close eye on progress - even contacting my friend the following day to check on her & reassure her, he had been in contact with the guides & aware of the situation, progress & on hand if further help was required. Many thanks to Dana, Rod & then Aaron for carrying my friend's backpack - without this relief for her, I doubt she would have made it.

The follow-up from Guest Experiences - Shelley - has been excellent, compassionate, understanding & helpful. I feel that our concerns were genuinely heard & acted upon. This reassures me that their guests truly do matter.

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