Community and Environment
Our vision is to inspire people to connect with and conserve the natural environment and culture of the Australian wilderness for generations to come. We are committed to making a real difference with sustainable tourism at the heart of what we do. Here’s how we give back to our local communities.

Australian Walking Company is 100% carbon neutral
We do what we can to measure emissions and we measure our inputs carefully so that our carbon footprint can be offset. To this end, we have partnered with Carbon Neutral to support the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor - Australia’s largest revegetation project based on carbon capture and biodiversity. By planting trees and shrubs at selected key sites it will help reconnect the drier inland habitats with their coastal counterparts to protect and recover our endangered and declining woodland, and shrubland fauna.
Southwest Australia was identified by Conservation International (a world authority on biodiversity conservation) as one of only 35 globally significant Hotspots. The Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor is located within this area.
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Tasmanian Walking Company partnered with Conservation Volunteers on the Cape Raoul Trailhead restoration project. The habitat at the entry point of Three Capes Track was weeded and planted with natives by teams of volunteers including our staff.

Climate Emergency Declaration
We have joined over 422 tourism professionals and organisations in committing to delivering a Climate Action Plan, to cut emissions in half by 2030.
Tasmanian Walking Company and Australian Walking Company believe strongly in the good that comes from connecting people with place, and the power this connection has to create positive change. By signing the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism, we recognise the responsibilities and obligations we have to lutruwita Tasmania, and Earth as whole, to take climate action.
We commit to fostering climate action within our business and wider community, and to working collaboratively to bring about positive, meaningful, and much needed climate action.
Tangaroa Blue Foundation
Tangaroa Blue Foundation is a charity focused on the health of our marine environment and coordinates the Australian Marine Debris Initiative, and an on-ground network of volunteers, communities, organisations and agencies around the country. Our guides actively collect pieces of marine debris from the coastlines and encourage guests to do the same on trips, the debris is then sorted and data inputted into the Australian Marine Debris Database.