Latest News
We invite you to read the latest stories from our guides and staff. Even when they're regularly walking the same ground, they always find something new to discover.
We invite you to read the latest stories from our guides and staff. Even when they're regularly walking the same ground, they always find something new to discover.
We are very excited to be launching our new community Facebook group, Iconic Walks Community. A group designed to bring together like-minded bushwalkers in a community space.
A limited-release walking tour along the Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail. Looking for a new challenge this summer? Want to explore a distinctive landscape of towering sea-cliffs and white-sand beaches? Be the first to experience our limited-release Light Keepers walk situated within the rugged and remote Kangaroo Island.
It’s no secret that recent world events have significantly changed the tourism landscape. But with those changes, we have time to update those travel wishlists and become reacquainted with the beauty of our own backyard.
Are you ready for a multi-day walk along one of Australia’s most iconic coastlines? Take a sneaky wander through our Twelve Apostles Lodge Walk experience.
With knowledge comes a greater respect for nature. Join walking guide Tom as he shares insights along the Great Ocean coastline.
Want to step out on a multi-day walk but love your comforts? Find out why The Twelve Apostles Lodge Walk is designed for you.
Lynette and Alan have walked all over the globe. Find out why they rate the Twelve Apostles Lodge Walk among the world’s best. abc
We are setting out to deliver a unique 4-day guided walk that takes guests out of everyday life and into the Kangaroo Island wilderness
You’ll be covering many kilometres on foot, so here's a few tips on finding the right footwear in preparation for the iconic Twelve Apostles Lodge Walk
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